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Going Off-Grid – Introduction

One of the most frequent questions I get is, “How do I go off-grid?” This is the first episode in a new series that will help YOU answer that question.

I’m no renewable energy expert. I’m not a certified electrician. I don’t even play one on TV. Does that seem like an odd way to start out a series that claims to help you to go off-grid? Well, I’ve taken two of my homes entirely off the electrical grid and built a few smaller systems. As a layperson, if I can do it, maybe you can do it, too.

That being said…


All content of this podcast and/or blog is for educational purposes only. Use at your own risk. Do-It-Yourself (DIY) projects involving electricity, construction and associated tools can damage equipment, void property insurance and product warranties, be dangerous and even fatal to yourself and others. Proper safety procedures should be followed at all times. YOU take full responsibility for your actions. I take NO responsibility for any results of your actions or lack thereof. Do your own due diligence!

See notes below video.

Defining Off-Grid

For our purposes, we will define going off-grid as detaching from the electrical grid. The focus will be primarily upon solar power, though we will touch upon other sources such as wind and hydro.

Installing Our Current Solar Array

Reasons for Going Off-Grid

  1. Prices – There have been dramatic price decreases over the years – 13 Charts On Solar Panel Cost & Growth Trends 
  2. Incentives:
    1. Federal Renewable Energy Tax Credit
    2. Federal Renewable Electricity Production Tax Credit
    3. Renewable Energy Incentives by State
    4. Grid-tied: Electric utility purchase and/or credits
  1. Return on Investment (ROI): Calculate Return on Investment of Solar Panels
  2. Clean & renewable
  3. Increase home value – maybe: How Much Do Solar Panels Boost Home Sale Prices
  4. Autonomy
  5. It’s COOL!

Off-Grid Resources

Basic Electricity & Terminology

All you need to know about electricity was covered in high school physics class, but if you have not applied that knowledge since then, most of it is now likely forgotten. So we’ll cover some of the basic concepts. We will go into more depth and add others throughout this series. Don’t worry if you don’t quickly grasp all of the concepts presented. In time, we will re-visit these in a more practical way.

I’m not going to re-invent the wheel. I’ve scoured Youtube to find the most relevant videos and found some that balance simplicity and thoroughness.

One of the best videos to start out with is Introduction to Electricity

Now, let’s add a little bit more detail with Basic Electricity – What is an amp?

Then we can add Basic Electricity – What is voltage?

And, finally, Basic Electricity – Power and Watts

This video, Electric Analogies Walkthrough, will help you visualize electricity.


In the next episode we will cover a Most Basic Example of a solar system.

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