A Day For All Seasons

Sure it’s only one week into Spring. Way too early to expect wildflowers or bushes blooming in northern Idaho.

A little more warmth and a little less snow would be loverly. But, I’ll take what we’re given.

Today we awoke to glorious SUN! Going on day 3 of being off the grid, I was giddy with the thought of how much energy we were collecting. That was short-lived. Dark clouds rolled in. Then, something we haven’t heard since we’ve lived here, a thunder boomer. Then rain, turning to snow, followed by more glorious sun.

We’ve gotten our money’s worth of weather from this day. I’m thankful the sun came out when it was time to retrieve the mail (those Netflixes don’t make that last mile hike to our house by themselves). I’m also thankful our solar panels give us ‘juice’, even on cloudy days.

In the spring I have counted one hundred and thirty-six different kinds of weather inside of four and twenty hours.   

Mark Twain

This afternoon I sat in the barn keeping Lance company while he worked on the network aspect of our alternative energy (at least I think that’s what he was doing). Out of the ever so recent blue sky, falls hail. Yep, heavy ice pellets plummet to the earth. Nothing major. I can’t even compare it to the size of any sports ball. I’m almost afraid to ask, what’s next?

My friend Tina, in Alabama, said their weather was perfect. Although I’m mildly jealous, I know our summer months will trump hers – in time. Oh Spring, I anxiously await your arrival. Will it be pretty? Will there be flowers, pollen and bugs? Prolly. Guess I’ll just have to be a little more patient. I did pack away my snow pants yesterday, I’ll let you know if I regret that.

Why did the turkeys cross the road? No snow on the ground, fresh bugs across the street.

Sunshine is delicious, rain is refreshing, wind braces us up, snow is exhilarating; there is really no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of good weather.  

John Ruskin

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