A Pretty Day In May

My daily hikes are always a pleasure. It was an ideal 68 degrees when I set sail down to the mailbox to fetch todays delivery from the USPS.

With summer just around the corner (tho these 30 degree nights may state otherwise) our little lake community is coming to life. Plant and human-wise.

Today I encountered a goat, some ankle biting dogs wearing day-glo orange vests and a retired college president proudly riding his little John Deere. The goat posed for a few photos. I endured the ankle biter’s. Kicking the dogs off my ankles would make an instant enemy of my summertime neighbors down the road. Professor Tom shared his life story in less than 20 minutes. We were well on our way to the tales of his 19 grandkids when he realized his wife had lunch waiting. Nice man. I think I shall bring him some banana bread.

Here are a few shots from my morning journey.  BLUE SKIES, nothin’ but blue skies…

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