Mid-March snow

A Wonderful Winter

Did I just write that? – Me, who use to loathe autumn, because it meant winter was next.

Before moving to Idaho, I felt the worst thing would be the winters. Granted, our area experienced a somewhat mild winter. It did include several snow-filled days. So much so, that one entire week in January, UPS kept making excuses for not delivering packages to us (one driver wrote in his report that we were on vacation – really?).

Here it is, mid-March and we’re getting snow. Granted, snow in Alabama meant RUN, don’t walk, to the store and stock up on milk, bread, and a generator. Turns out, the generator was a good idea. Power went out more in Birmingham than anywhere I’ve ever lived. Not sure what folks did with all that bread and milk, tho.

The featured image photo was taken yesterday morning. Sure is pretty. It makes walking to the mailbox more enjoyable than in the rain!

My son just informed me it was going to be 80 in B’ham today. Add to that, serious humidity and outrageous pollen counts. Then there are the weekly thunderstorms, sending 1/2 the city to their basements. Sure, my ‘shorts & flip flop’ days will be shortened, but I do so love my sweats and snow boots! I’m really going to miss the fires in the wood burning stove. I suspect we’ll need to take the chill off in the cabin well into the summer months.

Forecast for this week, high in the 40s, low in the 30s, rain or snow. I’m hoping for the latter!

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