Beer Will Change The World

Yeah, that’s not my normal message, but I saw this clip art and felt this mini-blog unfold in my head.

If you read my last blog on Lance’s current project, you know it’s serious foundation work. Thanks to some previous projects, our yard is stump and tree free, allowing us a great view and serious sun for the solar panels (<-yet another project completed by Lance). That being said, our little cabin is the main attraction to many a passerby. They stop while walking, ATVing or trucking by to visit, give advice, or bring us a much-needed tool (yesterday we scored a cement mixer).

There is a TRUE sense of community here. No phony neighborly waves, real people offering assistance, tools or even just compliments on how great the place is looking. It’s quite swell. Yesterday afternoon several men, women and kids gathered on our dirt pile of a yard (grass seeding has been put on hold until we are certain the cabin won’t collapse). Our neighbor, Merle, has been volunteering his time and talent over the last few days. Sometime after lunch he declares it ‘Beer:30’ (time to pop a cold one). I even coaxed my wine-loving, beer-loathing hubby into sucking down a few brews (that NEVER happens). Maybe later in the summer someone will break out the moonshine!

We want to keep our #1 volunteer happy, so today I stocked up on BEER while I was in town. All the cheap stuff went into my grocery cart. Four cases should keep ’em hydrated and happy for a good many days. While finishing up my beer selection, I saw a sweet elderly couple shopping alongside me. The little old man waits for his wife to round the corner to the next aisle and he shuffles over to me and whispers in my ear, “Can I follow you home?” Oh. My. Then I saw the twinkle in his eye as he took inventory of my grocery cart. Yes mister old man, just bring along your shovel…

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