Cabin Fever

They named a beer after it. How cool is that? Funny thing is, there has been no brown ale consumed here, nor any cabin fever either.

Plenty of red vino tho. Did you know, the buzz on a box of wine is no less buzzy than a primo bottle of wine. Yeah, maybe that’s why there is no cabin fever here.

Our vehicles have not moved for 10 days. Prior to that it was 9 days. How many of my city slicker friends can say their cars have not left the garage in 10 days? We’ve got so much food stockpiled that we could be livin’ high on the hog for many more weeks. What’s taking us into town tomorrow is a meeting with a potential future friend.

In the book series; Little House On The Prairie, Laura was SO excited to go to town. A bath the night before, picking out her outfit to wear. Yes, I have become that person. Planning to dress up by not wearing sweats nor a ball cap. Making my list, checking it thrice. We’ve got plenty of vino, brewskies, and food stuff. Feels a bit frivolous to be making the trip to town to meet a fellow potato head. But what the hey, we could use some milk.

I hesitate to say this, but… winter really hasn’t been too bad. It IS only February. Winter tends to have a sense of humor, so we’ll see who has the last laugh.

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