Change Of Seasons

March was a wet, long month. Not long in a bad way – just not lots of sun. Thirty-one days and most of those held precipitation of some form.

I look out my windows and see zero snow on the ground (for now). The pine trees are getting hit with a dose of sunshine and they do their dance as the wind hits their branches. I think what I’m beginning to be most thankful for is – change. Change in life, change in the weather. Change is anything but boring. Not to knock those friends of mine that have lived in the same zip code their entire life, but I just cannot fathom their mindset.

Both Lance and I have moved around – buttloads. Together and before each other. I wonder what it will be like to stop moving. I will not miss the physical part of boxing up my belongings and getting them from point A to point B. Maybe once we do all the renovations to this place we’ll travel. Load up an RV and head north, east, south or west… Or maybe we’ll just stay put and watch the clouds roll by. Sitting on our proverbial rockers out on the porch as we grow old together, discussing our aches and pains.

Ah, the promise of springtime. It’s a sunny, snowy, rainy, cloudy Sunday. Nothing really new to report from northern Idaho. I am embarking on a ‘no shampoo’ week (I haven’t used shampoo since Tuesday). Yeah, I know what you’re thinking (Judy), ‘now she’ll NEVER get a job’. Happy April! I wonder what kind of changes there will be in store for us this month.

The only difference between a rut and a grave is their dimensions.  

Ellen Glasgow

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