Uni-strut spring nut

Day 26 Of Going Nowhere

Whelp, we didn’t get into town today as previously planned. Oddly enough it’s getting easier, to go no where. It even seems more of a challenge to actually GO somewhere.

Today was just too pretty to go into town. Especially when you’re working outside, installing solar panels. It was a glorious spring day. Yesterday and today I attempted to help with the solar panel installation by assembling the brackets, screws and spring nuts (see photo in icon image for spring nut). I am happy to help the mister (as long as I don’t have to eat liver, skin an animal or climb on the roof).

On Sunday it will be 4 weeks since we’ve been anywhere. Time flies, we must be having fun. Once you get over the fact that you’re out of this and that, you start to appreciate what you DO have. I had been somewhat of a fruit snob. When Lance was stocking up on fruit and veggies at Costco (in the canned food aisle of all unforsaken places) he asks what kind of canned fruit I liked. I immediately answered, ‘NONE’. I suggested he buy what he thought he’d eat. Well, when your produce drawer goes empty, you’re willing to experiment. It turns out, canned pineapple and jarred applesauce is quite tasty. I even devoured a can of peas when no one was looking.

Lance has been quite busy installing our solar panels on the roof of the barn. I was jealous of his sun exposure. I joined him on the roof. Not the barn roof, mind you (its way too high), but the wood shed roof. I sat up there, assembling some nuts and bolts, while across the yard he assembled panels on the barn. While I loved the direct sun exposure, I hated watching him work so hard while he was obviously so sore. The sun went behind a really tall pine and I extracted myself from the woodshed roof. I was able to convince him he wasn’t doing his body or us any favors by working so hard while hurting. The promise of a massage can work miracles on a hard-working man!

May I remind you, it’s been 26 days since we’ve been anywhere (especially a grocery store). We officially ran out of milk today. I opened up a can of evaporated milk and that was the source of our coffee creamer. As long as you’re not expecting it to taste like milk, you’ll not be disappointed. Heck, it turns the coffee the tan color we like, so we’re 1/2 way there. Might I add that we had not planned to stay away from civilization for over a month. If we had, I would have stocked up on non-dairy creamers, cheeses and chocolates.

I’ve gotten pretty good at using what we DO have and making it work. Tonight we had the most scrumptious buffalo chicken, blue cheese pizza, from scratch! (Insert beaming with pride moment for my from-scratch, pizza crust). We are blessed, beyond belief. I hope you’re able to realize what all you have, too!

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