Tarot Card - Death

Death. The End of Life (As We Know It)

How morbid is that? I woke up this morning, thinking about my mom. Today would’ve been her 83rd birthday.

I don’t think she’d like being that old, but heck, who would/does? Would you think I was delusional if I thought God wanted me to post about death by using my mom’s birthday as my reminder? Lance and I have all sorts of interesting conversations about death. Death does not escape our life. Think about it, people, none of us get out of here alive. No one knows their departure date or time, but we all have one.

No one can confidently say that he will still be living tomorrow.


Notice there is no cute icon on my post for death. My kids like(d?) a band called Death Cab For Cutie, but other than that, death just resonates grimness.  Maybe that’s why I’ve dreaded winter for so many years – it reminds me of death. True story; our neighbor’s husband died when the snow from their roof slid off and buried him alive. Winter is harsh and snow is not only beautiful, it’s brutal. In nature and in life, death is necessary. Wow, I’ve gone all philosophical on you. I just think we all need to realize we’re ALL gonna die one day. But who wants to think about that?

Death is caused by swallowing small amounts of saliva over a long period of time.

George Carlin

My mom was 70 when she died. She lived a full life; raised 7 kids, welcomed 20 grandkids into the world. Dying so young, she didn’t get to meet grandbaby #21, Brady Hagen. She would’ve loved him. He is a cutie pie! She missed her grandbabies graduations, the 1st marriage. She’s missed so much, but the truth be told, we miss her more than she’s missed us.

As a well spent day brings happy sleep, so life well used brings happy death.

Leonardo da Vinci

OK. I don’t want to die and I REALLY don’t want Lance to die. If I die first, yeah, there will be an unmade bed and dishes piled up in the sink. Heck, he’ll probably lose his cute little buddha belly because there won’t be any baked goods around. But he knows how to make the bed, wash the dishes and Little Debbie can step in to feed his sweet tooth desires. If HE dies first, I’m screwed – royally. I know it. He knows it. And hopefully God knows it. People, I can’t even turn on our TV set up. It’s got so many ramifications unbeknownst to me. Not to mention the alternative energy, the finances and the day to day operations of this place. Ugh, death sucks, especially when it’s someone you love.

So. why did I feel compelled to post about death? I think we all need to be reminded of our mortality.

Lance’s grandmother Offerle was told she had 6 months to live, over 47 years ago! She’s been given a death sentence over, and over again. Here she is, pluggin along at 80-something.

The end of life is to be like God and the soul following God will be like Him.


I struggled with a way to end this post (truth be told, I struggled with the whole ‘death’ theme). I was handed a verse from the Bible from my dear sweet companion on this journey of life- Ecclesiastes 7:1 ...And the day of one’s death is better than the day of one’s birth.

Oh. My. God. What have You got in store for us?

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