View of Coeur d'Alene

Going To Town = CdA, ID

In honor of going to town tomorrow, I thought I’d shed a little light on what town that is. Coeur d’Alene (CdA), ID is our destination for stocking up.

We couldn’t have picked a cooler town as our ‘go to place’. Keep in mind, we bought our cabin without even setting foot in the state of Idaho. Unbeknownst to us, CDA is a thriving tourist town. Barbara Walters called the city “a little slice of Heaven” and included it in her list of most fascinating places to visit. There are quaint little shops, art galleries, hiking, fishing, boating and many parks. There is even a golf course with a floating green that looks really cool (we pass it on the highway going into town).

French fur traders in the late 18th century named an Indian tribe here the Coeur d’Alene. It translates to ‘heart of an awl’, which meant the Indians were shrewd traders. The local reservation still bares that name.

While CDA is where we like to go to stock up, we haven’t taken the time to enjoy the touristy sites, yet. We do take advantage of the Lowes, Home Depot, Wal-Mart and Costco. Traffic there is never a problem, it’s easy to navigate and the drive to town is breathtakingly beautiful. Not only do we get to build our inventory of necessities, we get to view what my friend Sil calls “eye candy”. I’ve attempted to take photos (and videos) along the way, but pix just don’t do it justice. You’ll have to come see us and ooh & ahh for yourself.

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