Good-bye Cute Little Honda Civic Coupe

What a week! These posts will try to capture the events of each day. Every day this past week has been an episode or a chapter in our fun adventure. My attention span is short when reading blogs (reports, books, magazines). Show me a picture and tell me a little…

What a week! These posts will try to capture the events of each day. Every day this past week has been an episode or a chapter in our fun adventure. My attention span is short when reading blogs (reports, books, magazines). Show me a picture and tell me a little about it. I’ll try to keep you interested and reading, wanting more. Telling the good, the bad, and the fun. Those of you friends with me on Facebook, you already got a ‘play-by-play’ of our days.

Today is Thursday, August 25th, 2011. I would have been married 27 years, had I stayed on the road more traveled. I chose to go down a gravel road and have an adventure! Hooking up with Lance has made the ride quite enjoyable! Wanna hear about our last week? No? Well shoo. Yes? Well, goodie.

A week ago was the eve of our move date. I was going to stay through October to help with the transition of my job to the ‘new girl’ (Kim) and hang around for my favorite daughter’s wedding. Plans change, sometimes for the best. Kim is experiencing ‘baptism by fire’ and Kristie is handling all the wedding planning. Time to exit stage left, Mare.

We had a moving truck full of 1/2 our stuff (Lance’s sweet brother Kirk already took 1/2 our stuff to our new house a month ago) plus 2 sporty cars to move. I put an ad on craigslist late Wednesday night, early Thursday morning a man from west AL (near MS) called to say he wanted to come buy it. Wow, that was fast, timely and a huge blessing for them and us. I loved my car, but there was no way a civic would handle the roads and snow at our next stop in this adventure. This car sat idle for several years because I was blessed to be able to walk to work. I only filled up every other month (really). It was almost 5 years old with less than 40,000 miles.

So, Thursday night, the night before we were to move, sweet Donny and his wife LuAnn drive away with their daughter’s (surprise) college graduation present. One less BIG thing to move. Thank You God for allowing things to go so smoothly.

Next up, ‘And Away We Go..’

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