dream Catcher

Happy April 41st

I had a dream last month that indicated something ‘big’ was going to happen on April 41st.

Whipping out the calendar the morning after the dream, I counted out what would be 4/41/12. That is today (a.k.a. May 11th).

Soooo, what will it be? Will my daughter’s recent stomach virus be deemed pregnancy? NOT. I have insider information proving otherwise. Will we win the lottery that we’ve never played? Will the IRS implode and cease to exist? Hey, when I dream, I dream BIG.

Back to reality… Maybe one of the bajillion Mary K. Peters resumes I’ve sent out will fall into the inbox of a wise soul. One who can read between the rhetoric and SEE that I am a newly transplanted jewel in the ‘Gem State’ of Idaho. You’d never know by yesterday’s ‘offer’. I’d really like to work in this quaint ski town of Kellogg, ID. Mainly because heading east on I-90 is a whole lot less mountainous driving than heading west. Winter driving has yet to be mastered. I did get another call for an interview at my favorite, yet to be visited, fresh market in Kellogg. I declined when she mentioned the pay rate. Exactly 1/2 of what I was making in Bham (plus I’d be working nights and only part-time).

Whatever the day may bring, I’m happy. Happy to be alive, healthy, blessed with enough loved ones to make me feel special. So, Happy April 41st everyone! What are you going to do to celebrate? I think we’ll officially start our parasite cleanse… An odd day deserves an odd celebration. I’ll let you know if anything blog worthy happens this 41st day of April.

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