Happy Gray May Day

Yes, I realize ‘May Day’ was yesterday. How many of you made ‘May baskets’ and left them on your friends doorsteps?

None of that going on here. I did leave Brewskie a hot dog. Maybe it’s Give A Dog A Hotdog Day, too. The first 2 days of May have been rainy, chilly, snowy, haily, cloudy and sunny. Yep, all that wrapped into each day.

As I was about to hike to the mailbox yesterday, I saw white pellets plummeting from the sky. I commented to Lance, “Oh, hail!”. In which he replied, “What’s the matter baby, has all hail broken loose?” Yes, we amuse ourselves (maybe that’s why we’re so glad when the dog comes around, we need more amusement). Thankfully, umbrellas work well at propelling chunky rain, too.

Don’t tell my friend Judy, but I’ve been wearing my iPod on my walks. She wants me to wear bells to ward of the emerging bears. Maybe I should sing aloud the songs playing in my earbuds. About halfway to the mailboxes I felt a heavy shove to my shoulder blades. I screamed (yes, like a girl). I turned quickly and saw it was my junkyard dog, Brewskie. He snuck up on me. Yes, Judy, I’m glad it wasn’t a bear or a moose…

The tomato plants and I are thankful the sun pokes out in the afternoons. The solar array fills our batteries and the basil plants seem to grow an inch. I use that small window of super weather to split some wood. Something I’m becoming less bad at. Not quite good at, but not so bad. I wouldn’t quit my day job (if I had one) to become a lumber jack. We will have nicely split wood this evening. Good thing, cause it’s getting down into the mid 30s. Maybe it won’t matter so much this summer that my Subie air conditioner isn’t quite up to par.

Not a day goes by that I don’t thank God for allowing us to spend time in northern Idaho.

Signing off from our little slice of paradise.

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