Happy Rum Cake Day

I bet I’m the only one who celebrated this day. My son flies in from Alabama tomorrow, so I decided, we must have cake.

Back before Lance got all busy with fixing up crappy houses, he use to cook – a lot. The list of dishes he’s made me read like an incredible resort menu; shrimp pasta, lasagna, french cassoulet, kimchi, tiramisu, to name just a few.

His recent visit to the kitchen to whip up a rum cake makes me happy. Hopefully it doesn’t make me a fatty. I love cake. I told Lance this cake was in my top 10 of favorite cakes. He didn’t feel that was much of a compliment. Maybe he just doesn’t know how much I love cake. I think that’s the only regret I have about not having a wedding ceremony – I didn’t get to taste test cakes. Even worse, at my daughter’s wedding, I was too busy (drinking) to remember to have some cake. Her mother-in-law made them. They were beautiful!

So, Lance suggests we share some cake with our neighbors. WHAT? Give away our cake? I can be a tad selfish with some things. He assured me he wouldn’t give them a whole 1/2 of the cake, just 4 narrow pieces. Then, he offers some to the UPS man. I’m just thankful we weren’t expecting packages from Fed Ex or DHL (those drivers are husky). Lance finally got around to slicing himself a piece tonight. He commented that maybe we wouldn’t share any after all (whew).

It was a pretty, semi-springish, day. No precipitation at all. Partly sunny and upper 40s. I’ll take it. Even some sun-juice to feed the solar panels. I attempted to chop more wood (if you saw the gnarly pile I brought into the house, you’d understand why I described it as ‘attempted’). Lance got the compost bin operational. I dug for worms and scooped up some special moose poop to add to it.

Today marks one week of NO SHAMPOO (not going for the grunge, just trying other avenues). Yep, just another loverly day in the boonies. Tomorrow we go into Spokane to pick up my tall child! Yippy!! I’m pretty sure he knows we turned the extra bedroom into a pantry and sold the spare bed… I’ll just feed him extra rum cake so he’ll crash in the recliner a happy visitor.

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