Happy (soon to be) 23 ~Kristie Leigh

Imagine my delight when I found this heart-shaped rock on my hike home from the mailbox.

I must toss it into my daughter’s birthday box (I wonder how much that will jack up the postage). Imagine my sadness when I realized this will be the first birthday I’ve missed of either of my kids. My first Mothers Day without them :-(… Ok, time to zap the sap. It’s Kristie’s birth month!

God gave me the perfect family, one son and one daughter. They were best buds, partners in crime. Charlie was with me back in 1989 when I had the ultrasound that told me I was having a girl. I cried. He looked up at me with much concern on his face. In his sweet, stuttering, 2-year-old voice, he said, “There, there.” As if to comfort me from the future trials and tribulations of raising a daughter.

Truth be told, boys ARE easier, cheaper and less dramatic to raise. At age 15, Kristie was not the sweetest child under our roof. Looking back, I think she chose one parent to give the most grief to. Luckily, it wasn’t me.

My 2 sweeties

Thankfully, she didn’t stay in the teen angst stage for very long. She soon blossomed into quite a sweet, smart, hard-working, almost 23-year-old. To list all the kind things she’s done for me would be too much like bragging.

When people say that we look, talk and act so much alike, I take that as a huge compliment. I hope it doesn’t make her cringe. To this day I won’t wear red lipstick because when I did, and looked in the mirror, I’d see my mother. Don’t get me wrong, I adored my mother. I just didn’t want to look like her. She was old. 😉

Happy Birthday to my mini-me! Start celebrating NOW (it’s only 2 weeks away). To all my Birmingham blog readers, if you see my girl child in or around town, give her a hug for me and one from Lance, too!

KPA & her boy-cat, Moses

A son is a son till he takes him a wife, a daughter is a daughter all of her life.

Irish Saying

[Maybe my son won’t marry.]

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