Reading glasses and blank with inscription blog on a red background

Hello World. Did you know, they’ll let just anyone have a blog?

I plan on looking back and cringing at this first post to my first ever blog. While I hone my craft, please bear with me… there WILL be grammatical errors, stupid posts, and probably boring stuff all along the way…. But hey, I’m 50, about to pack up and move…

I plan on looking back and cringing at this first post to my first ever blog. While I hone my craft, please bear with me… there WILL be grammatical errors, stupid posts, and probably boring stuff all along the way…. But hey, I’m 50, about to pack up and move 2400 miles away from ‘home’ so, cut me a little slack (at first, please).

My goal with this blog-thingie is to lure you all those I like, to consider a visit and or move to the wild, wild, west.

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