Hot Chicks In The Pantry

It’s not as odd as it sounds, nor as kinky. It’s been a long time coming.

Lance and I have talked about ‘getting settled’ and doing all sorts of homesteading projects. One of which is raising chickens so we can have free range eggs. It’s a long road (5-7 months) till we’re eating our own home growed fresh eggs. At least we’re now, finally, on the right path.

We’ve converted our spare bedroom into a pantry. It made a tiny bedroom but serves as a nice walk-in pantry. That is where our 6 hens and 1 rooster are hanging out. They’re quite content, under the heat lamp, stashed away in the pantry. They are away from the hustle and bustle of our lives and have peace and quiet. Wait, tucked away in the pantry, it allows US to have peace and quiet. Especially at night. I guess you could call that a win/win, for us and them.

Chicks- Day 2

They haven’t been named yet. I’m justifying the need to name them due to the fact that we live in a neighborhood, so they will have to be viewed as our pets. Who doesn’t name their pets, right? Our neighbors, Merle and Denise, have 25 chicks they plan to raise for eating. I asked if they named them. Merle said, “Yes, 1 through 25”. Our friends nearby, Chris and Sil, inherited 20 grown chickens. Lucky for them, they’re enjoying omelets a.s.a.p.

My fellow ‘Flee Alabama’ friend, Judy, got her first chicks last summer. I use to chuckle to think of her and her husband being entertained each evening by sitting around, watching their chickens. I’m anxiously anticipating the fun times ahead. Lance and I will surely enjoy watching our chickens rule the roost. I will also enjoy having a bug-free yard, not to mention having 7 tiny garbage disposals roaming the premises.

Lance has built a high-end chicken coop to make all chicks in Kootenai County jealous. Hmmm, I wonder if they’ll have solar panels to warm them in the winter. I’m anxious to share the adventures that lie ahead for the mister and I and our 7, 2-legged, chirping hot chicks. The journey to fresh eggs begins with the first step, bringing home the chicks. And so, our journey begins….

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