Insurance policy

Insurance & SEX

Ok, so I tricked ya. Would you read a post about ‘insurance’?? I know I wouldn’t…. but bear with me.

We’ve all got health insurance, car insurance, house/renters insurance. We pay a set amount each month to ‘insure’ that if something were to go wrong, we’ll be ‘covered’. We hope/pray not to need it. There are many other ways we insure our day to day lives…. most of us have a spare tire, in case we have a flat. Many of us fill up our tanks before we’re on empty, to insure we’re not stuck in traffic and run out of gas. Mommies pack snacks and toys in their bags to insure their kiddos will have what they need, before they need it. People pay an exterminator to spray for bugs each month, to insure they’re not swarmed by unwanted creatures.  

This list can go on and on, but I’ll stop and get to my point (the insurance point, not the sex point ;-)). Why not stock up on nonperishable food items, like beans and rice, JUST IN CASE things get whacko and the grocery store shelves are empty for a bit… If you’ve been through a tornado, hurricane, blizzard, you know how fast food disappears at the mere threat of any one of those. Why not stock up now, to insure your family has food. The economy, government, world, is a crazy place. Why not insure you and your family will have something to eat for a meal or 23 if the shelves go bare. What’s the worse that can happen? Nothing… so you’ll have a stash of food to eat (more than you’ll have if you don’t need to cash in on your car/health/house insurance).

I heard a comedian say ‘don’t ever volunteer to help a Morman move’, I get it! We’ve got some food stashed… if the ‘shit hits the fan’ I don’t want to feed you, unless I birthed you, get your own stash ;-). Go ahead, call me a crazy loon that stocks up on the big bags of rice and beans from Wal Mart, but do yourself a favor and get your own stash going, what could it hurt?

I have several friends that have beautiful houses full of beautiful things. I’m happy that they’re surrounded by stuff that make them happy. You know what makes ME happy? – knowing that I will have something to eat if this crazy world follows history and the unthinkable happens, again.

We shall be better prepared for the future if we see how terrible, how doomed the present is.

Iris Murdoch

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