Job Hunting = Mate Seeking

A friend and I were marveling at how searching for a job is a lot like dating. She has a good job and I have a good man.

I’m job hunting, she’s man hunting (well, sort of). Putting yourself out there, for employment or companionship, it’s tough. Rejection is brutal on all levels.

I don’t mean to brag, but I’ve never had to look hard for either, until now. I find myself wanting to become gainfully employed. It really shouldn’t be this difficult to find someone to pay me close to what I was making in AL. Maybe I’m too picky. I have a mental list of “I don’t want to do this”. It seems the #1 position available out there is caring for the elderly. Please, God, I don’t want to be old or care for the old, just yet. Next up is nursing. Ick and ugh. I don’t like seeing my blood, worse yet, anyone else’s. I don’t want to sell anything, especially insurance. Keep your own books and don’t ask me to drive a truck. Clean your house? I don’t even want to clean MY house.

A couple of interviews I went on felt like dating a geek. I felt I needed to give them a chance, but ick, please don’t call me back. A couple of jobs seemed like a perfect fit. A concierge for a development? Please, that’s what I did in Birmingham!! Why didn’t you call me back? A position with a local Realty company as receptionist, front desk…um, yeah, I rock that desk… *sigh*

A friend told me if I put enough corks in the water I’ll eventually catch something, so I should keep fishin. I’ve just never had to fish, for long. I am convinced it’s not what you know, but who you know. If I was in Birmingham, I’d have 10 jobs to choose from (granted, I’d have to steal 1/2 of them from my daughter).

Thankfully our wants are few and we live pretty cheaply (do I need to remind you of our dandelion salads and our pleasure from boxed wine?) Lance has enough on his ‘to do list’ to keep him busy for a good long while. Mare, well, laundry and lunch are complete by early afternoon.

No worries. I’ve got the love and support of a good man. That’s 1/2 the battle, right? I’m pretty sureĀ God has something good in store for me employment wise. Maybe not tomorrow, or next week… I look forward to bringing value in exchange for a decent wage. Stay tuned…

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