Jury Duty Awaits

I’ve managed to live 51 years without one single jury duty summons. Yes, I’ve registered to vote, had a driver license, owned property.

It took the state of Idaho to ‘find’ me. I start a week-long stint at the local courthouse in Coeur d’Alene on Monday. If you can call ‘local’ 43 miles away.

Wait, it gets better. The pay is $10 a day, $5 if the trial only lasts a 1/2 a day. Maybe it will be fun, entertaining, or educational. At the very least, I hope it’s not boring. When I told my sister about my duty, she replied, “What crimes are ever committed in Idaho?’ Ha! Well, at the very least, it will be good blog material. Unless. Unless I have to sign an ‘anti-blog’ clause before doing my civic duty.

Any of my faithful readers have any tips for my week-long ‘privilege’ of serving my country?

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