Our Idaho Retreat: It’s All Here!

It’s all here, for us anyway. Today marks day 12 of “Wheels On The Driveway’. Our vehicles have not rolled once since Sunday, February 12th.

A friend posted on Facebook, asking what people were doing in order to prepare for the upcoming $6 a gallon gasoline. I couldn’t help but think; not going anywhere for almost 2 weeks should win us some kind of prize. Lance told me the other day, it would be nice to have as our goal- going into town only once a month. Could YOU do that??  Can WE do that? Time will tell. Right now, all I’m missing is cottage cheese, wondering if it freezes well and how much we can stock up on our next trip into town. Other than that, it feels like we have it all! 

Yeah, I’m still quite smitten with the mister. It doesn’t hurt that we feel like we’ve landed in a fantabulous spot on the globe. I won’t rave about Idaho (again) in this post. I think where we are has less to do with what we realize we have. I can’t speak for Lance (and if I did I’d, no doubt, misquote him), but I think we’ve got it all here: an opportunity to learn, exercise, feast, praise, be entertained. And if we did choose to roll the wheels off the driveway, there are so many places, within an hour of us, to explore.

Anywhere is paradise. It’s up to you.

Since we’ve been here:

  • I feel like I attend the University of N&L (Nature & Lance). They’re both a wealth of information and learning experiences.
  • I don’t need to go down to the local gym or hotel lobby exercise room. I can hike to the mailbox, cell phone peak or tote in some firewood.
  • We have so many tasty meals that we often utter, “We eat like kings”. A majority of Americans may differ, only because they’re spoiled by never living in a time when even kings didn’t eat as well.
  • A spiritual experience doesn’t have to wait until Sunday. God is continually speaking to us with each display on the horizon.
  • We don’t need to go to the theater and spend an outrageous amount on movie tickets and popcorn. We’ve got quite a nice setup to watch movies (delivered by Netflix) and munch on home-popped corn.

People take different roads seeking fulfillment and happiness. Just because they’re not on your road doesn’t mean they’ve gotten lost.  

H. Jackson Brown, Jr

A friend and I were emailing today about TEOTWAWKI (yes, I have sane, like-minded friends). We both agreed that the men we are with are the ones we would like to spend the rest of our lives with, especially when the sh*t hits the fan. I hope your abode has everything you need, too.

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