Preacher Lance: Truth or Fiction?

Friends of Lance’s 10 to 15 years ago may not be surprised by this story.

Those of you that have come to know him in recent years may think this is an early April Fools blog. I assure you, I speaketh the truth when I tell you that Lance Knoechel was on the path to preacher-hood. He had the desire, training, experience, and the makings to become a real life preacher.

Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; Truth isn’t.  

Mark Twain

Last Spring as we were in the midst of fixing up our 3rd dumpy house in Alabama, I posted this picture on Facebook. Lance is working on a faucet in the bathtub. I commented, “Good thing my plumber also does sheet rock”. A friend replied, “What DOESN’T this man do???” I gave it a little thought and then responded that he doesn’t lactate. I have little doubt that if he did some research, he’d figure out a way ;-).

Lance can fix anything, from houses to computers to dinner. When we bought really crappy foreclosure houses, he did most of the work himself. He did hire a HVAC guy (I think Lance would’ve done a better job than this guy did) and a roofer. We needed the leaks fixed, fast.

When we first got together, he did all his laundry, mending, cooking, decorating, taxes, car maintenance (I’ll stop here, or I’ll make him blush, or worse, edit some things out).

Sure he’s my knight in shining armor, but he really is gifted. He’ll say he’s a jack of all trades, a master of none. Add to that list of accomplishments- preaching. From 1997 to 2001 he frequently gave sermons (or as he called them, sermonettes) in various churches in Cincinnati. When I learned this about him, I wasn’t shocked, just a tad bit surprised. I asked all sorts of important questions like; “Did you wear your earring?” “Did you ever cuss?” “Did you bang the pulpit?” He’s printed out a few of his past sermons for me to read. As with anything he does, he gets the job done, beautifully.

Going to church doesn’t make you any more a Christian than going to the garage makes you a car.  

Laurence Peter

So much in this day and age has WAY too many rules and laws that prohibit one from speaking the truth. People rely on traditions, just because that’s all they know. We’re taught not to rock the boat. This is how we’ve done it for years, don’t buck the system. Churches are no different. In the right church atmosphere I think Lance would’ve flourished as a preacher. He is more familiar with the contents of the Bible than most church-going, pew sitting folks out there. He doesn’t have all the answers (I know, I’m ALWAYS asking questions). He’ll tell you straight up he doesn’t. He has his share of faults (he’ll list them for you if they’re not obvious enough). Yet he’s humble with a great desire to understand. I believe that’s what God looks for in His messengers.

I guess the moral of my story is not to believe everything you hear, just because someone in authority says it’s true. Lance would have made an excellent preacher, if only he was allowed to speak the truth as he understands it to be. I’m blessed I get to listen.

If the scorners He doth scorn, Yet to the humble He doth give grace.  

Proverbs 3:34

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