The golf cart chariot dropped them off at the reception

Remember The Good

“Never forget a good deed any person does for you. Take time today to remember as much as you can. It can clear out the cob webs and create clarity”. ~Yehuda Berg

I can’t possibly document all the good deeds that have been done for me. Some of my friends keep a ‘Gratitude Journal’. Maybe I’ll keep a gratitude blog. Actually, I have been meaning to thank my friends and family for making my daughter’s ‘Big Day’ go from a dream to reality. I have some really cute cards and stickers to send… for some reason sending snail mail takes a lot more effort than it use to. I use to be the queen of the letter writing. But quite frankly, a fast, efficient email does the trick.

So let me do a quick ‘pre-thank-you’ blog to get the guilt off my chest for not thanking these people sooner…

My daughter got married earlier this month in the magical town of Mt Laurel!

It was truly a team effort.

Nich’s parents chipped in a TON! They must have really wanted Kristie to become their daughter-in-law! They would have ‘wedding meetings’ over dinner and they helped with SO MUCH. Kevin (Nich’s dad) performed the ceremony, handled the music and did every big and little thing his lovely wife Susan asked. Susan orchestrated the event following Kristie’s wishes. She also made the cakes from scratch! (Kicking myself for not getting a taste). She also altered Kristie’s dress a time or three.

I love these chicks

My Mt Laurel family chipped in beyond belief. Becky D. hosted the first bridal shower (I called it a monsoon, it was huge!)

Then she invited the bridesmaids and bride to come get ready at her house the day of the wedding. What a fun hostess she is! Becky also was bed & breakfast for part of my out of town family. All this while undergoing some really crappy chemo.

Marie, Bev, Nana and Malinda stepped in to decorate the reception. Yep, I asked and they said OK.

Cherie hosted a wine drive, BRILLIANT! What a fun, (cheap) way to collect and serve wine at the wedding. It was a really cold night, meaning leftover wine… so now the newlyweds have a well stocked bar!

When Becky BC asked Kristie what she was going to have at her reception, we thought maybe we were going to have it as a Potluck, to save money. BBC said ‘no, don’t’ I thought, well, yes, we might have to… She then stepped in and said she would like to help pay for the reception… yep, she did! Wow. My daughter is one blessed young lady!

My ex-brother-in-law, Marshall, provided the kegs, oh happy beer drinkers there were! Scott & Renee provided parking and cake cutting… the list goes on and on (my way of saying, I know I’ve forgotten some good deed givers!) Judy & Neill let me stay in their house for 10 days!

Man oh man, it took a village to help Kristie & Nich get hitched!

My sweet family came from far and farther to help celebrate: Miami, New Hampshire, Texas, California, NC, NOLA and my dear sweet 85 year old father flew in from Oregon!

OK, that’s a few of the good deeds I remembered about October 1st, 2011. Maybe now I can sleep…

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