Rustling Up A Few Fellow Potato Heads

How’s that for a catchy post title? Not to be confused with Jimmy Buffet’s parrot heads or Mr. Potato Head.

It’s a silly way of saying, we need friends. Not just any friends, but those that share similar goals in life. I wanted to say ’rounding up our possee’ (spelled incorrectly so it doesn’t show up in a search). My ‘editor’ convinced me that word was giving the wrong impression to the googling world. Tho I do want to arm myself with a primo sling shot, that’s got nothing to do with our searching for comrades.

The best time to make friends is before you need them. 

Ethel Barrymore  

We’ve got great neighbors. This neighborhood is one of the reasons we decided to stay put here, rather than search for a shack on acreage in a more remote area (tho being 45 minutes from town feels pretty darn remote when you need a special part to finish a project). One guy here has every tool ever invented and another lady has more DVDs than Netflix.

Our Realtor and his family have become great friends. We’re always learning from them. They’ve got the off-grid living down to an art form. Their root cellar would make a Mormon drool. Chris has been kind enough to hook us up with potential fellow potato heads seeking like-minded folks. I use that term in jest, but the fact that they live in Idaho gives them bonus points. The fact that they’ve moved or are moving here from another state gives them more likeness to us. The fact that they’re seeking a simpler life here is something we can relate to. We can learn from them, they from us, and maybe together we can come up with some new ways to make life even more enjoyable in this crazy world.

Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art… It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things that gives value to survival.

C.S. Lewis

When you move to a new place it’s always a challenge to rebuild the network you had in your previous location. In Birmingham, my job gave me the platform to be the go-to-girl for any and everything. One mom needed a babysitter and another mom needed her teenager to earn some money ~ wala, I put those folks together. One family I knew wanted a kitten, another family needed to get rid of 6 new furballs. I helped people find houses to buy, to rent, to clean, to photograph. Lance was the computer doctor for many. He got rid of more viruses than the local wellness clinic. We’ve spent the last 5 months getting our life up to speed here in the pan handle paradise of northern Idaho. We’re ready to step out of our cozy cabin in the country and hook up with others who have flown the coup and we’re anxious to hear their tales.

A good friend is a connection to life – a tie to the past, a road to the future, the key to sanity in a totally insane world

Lois Wyse

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