
Spices, Sprouts, Tea And Herbs, Oh My!

This is an unpaid plug for a great online herb company, Mountain Rose Herbs.

When you live in a remote area and the natural whole food stores are far, far away, you head to online shopping. There are so many companies out there, good and bad. I feel the need to give a shout out to the ‘good’ guys, Mountain Rose Herbs.

We may not be official huggers or green gurus – yet. We do appreciate exceptional quality, genuine value, and less waste. This company delivers (physically and metaphorically). Most of us realize you get what you pay for. While ‘certified organic’ isn’t as cheap as ‘great value’, it can be worth it.

My former chiropractor (the famous Dr. Jessica) once said that buying calcium supplements from a super store may be the equivalent of taking sheet rock in the form of a pill. Lance and I are by no means health fanatics. He smokes and I have pop corn for dinner, often. He’s grown accustom to wormwood tea and I think bentonite clay could put Fiber One out of business! My latest quest is to capsule up some organic turmeric. I think this is the new cure-all ;-). I tried cooking with it, but even the neighborhood dog turned his nose the other way.

In a step to consume less caffeine, we’ve replaced our 3rd pot of java (yes, 3rd) with tea. Have you priced tea bags lately? Even the ‘cheap’ stuff, Lipton, costs a fortune when you figure out the price per ounce. A box of green flavored tea is close to $3 for .75 ounces. That’s not even a full ounce. Oh, but you do get it filtered (a sliver of a dose) and dangley strings with which to brew easier. Rose Mt. Herbs’ selection of teas alone is worth the visit to their site. Granted it’s all ‘loose’ teas, but you can get 4 ounces of quality tea for less than $5. By the pound, it’s considerably cheaper, check it out!

The herbs, sprouts, teas, and various other items Lance ordered (some of which I’ve yet to figure out what to do with, like the resins) are primo quality. Those of you that have a Whole Foods or better yet, Jungle Jims (my favorite store on earth) may not need an online health store. You may want to check it out. It’s more fun to shop in your jammies, and no driving needed. And, no, Krista, there aren’t any ingredients with which to make brownies 😉

Our tea stash

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