Spring Delayed

Yesterday was the first day of Spring, sayeth the calendar. I don’t think I’ve lived anywhere that obeyed the ‘seasons calendar’.

Alabama had summer weather WAY before June 20th. My nearby neighbor in Idaho said last year it didn’t get warm enough to go boating here until July. ‘Happy Spring’ to my friends and family in Alabama, Iowa, Texas, Ohio and Florida with their A/C turned ON already!

Monday was technically the last day of winter. The weather here that day was glorious. Lance got our 3rd row of solar panels installed. I laid out on the rooftop of the shed (granted I was wearing a sweatshirt with the hood installed). There was lots of sun. Most of the snow on the ground had melted. We basked in the sunshine and sucked up the solar rays. Today for my mail hike however, I needed to dig out my snow pants. It’s not what we had hoped for – sunshine. Instead, a day full of snow, but how can you complain when it is SO beautiful!

We live in a lake community. 95% of the houses on the lake are inhabited only during the summer months. As I return from my mailbox retrieval hike I noticed one house on the lake with FLOWERS that are snow covered. Taking a closer look, they’re plastic flowers. Who plants plastic flowers??

This morning, when I read the weather report, it said ‘up to an inch of snow accumulation’. Later in the day Lance hollered down from his desk upstairs, “Northern Idaho must measure an inch differently”. Yep, it snowed all day. No complaints from me. Snow beats rain, in my book.

Weather forecast for tonite: dark.  

George Carlin

The weather-men up here are as lost as they are anywhere. I’m certain only God knows what’s in store. Maybe we’re just suppose to wake up and enjoy…

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