Spring In Idaho: Day 3

Looking out the window this morning it felt like we were living in our very own snow globe.

The snow continued to drift down for hours on end. Thankfully the ground was warm and we didn’t accumulate more than 6 inches. My walk to the mailbox was both serene and challenging. The snow was slushy and heavy. I trudged along, managing not to slip and go down hard.

Once I got a 1/2 a mile down the road, at the hairpin turn, it became almost like Spring. Well springlike, for northern Idaho anyway. The road was wet but had no snow, only pot-holes. The ground had merely a heavy dusting of the white stuff. I think I like our elevation better, less sludge, more powder-pretty-precipitation. I try not to complain. What good does that do? I’m thankful to be where we are. Alabama seems to have skipped past Spring and landed smack dab into Summer.

Later today I look out and see the sun shining brightly. Where the heck has all the snow on the trees gone? And why am I missing the snow?? It’s March, time for spring flowers and no snow. Ah, it turns out I’ve fallen in love with snow again. Not since I was 11, growing up in Iowa, did I look forward to the pretty white stuff. After that age, it became a nuisance. ESPECIALLY in the southern states, where everything closes down because no one knows how to drive in it.

Sure, it would be nice to have the sun shining and the daffodils blooming. I hope the new owners of our ‘fix this dumpy house’ in Alabama are appreciating their spring flowers in bloom! In the meantime, I thank God for the opportunity to live on this interesting planet in this nicely kept secret of northern Idaho.

I read this in the urban dictionary: Idaho- Place where you feel welcome because the people who’ve lived there forever are too polite to tell you to get the heck out of their state and go back to wherever it is you came from. 🙂 Ah, so that’s what they’re thinking. OK, so, don’t move out here (unless you’re my kid).

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