Sunny Sunday in South Dakota

South Dakota was nice. Nothing to write home about, and where IS home, anyway? We bordered on being touristy. We tried taking the loop through the Badlands, but a sign prohibiting trucks vetoed that plan. We did pull off on a scenic exit to try to capture the view. Pretty,…

South Dakota was nice. Nothing to write home about, and where IS home, anyway? We bordered on being touristy. We tried taking the loop through the Badlands, but a sign prohibiting trucks vetoed that plan. We did pull off on a scenic exit to try to capture the view. Pretty, but being closer would have been awesomer.

I did get to have a much sought after Buffalo-(hot)Dog. Eh, beef is better. Lance said they have hybrid animals called Beefalos. Am I gullible, cause I believe him and now seek a Beeffalo hot dog (with no luck, yet)? We about ran out of gas. Even though my recent transplant friend in Wyoming (also known as Judy) warned me about the slim selection of gas stations. I laughed (outloud even) at the sign that said “Gas NOW or gas can later”, great marketing ploy… only, it wasn’t a ploy! By the grace of God, we made it to the tourist trap 1880 Town and paid an arm and a leg for a fill up. Lesson learned? Prolly not.

Sunday was going to be a ‘short day’ since we made plans (and even got a hotel reservation this time) in Buffalo, WY. We wanted to hook up with former Bama-ians, Judy & Jimmy. Judy posted something on Facebook that makes me smile even now, “I feel like I spent my whole life- living in the wrong place”  I’m really excellent at misquoting people, but you get the gist. Wyoming really is pretty, they had these large mounds scattered all over the landscape, Lance dubbed them “Earthtitties’ that made perfect sense to me (I apologize for the dirty windshield, I stink at cleaning windows).

We rolled into Buffalo with plenty of time for Lance to take a power nap before our double date with Judy & Jimmy. Brand spankin new Hampton Inn, nestled at the foot of the Rockies (<–they even had snow still on them, in August!).

Rolling into the Rockies

When Judy comes back to Birmingham, she travels without staying in a hotel. She IS younger than me…  We had a yummy dinner, she wouldn’t let me take pictures, I guess she’s hiding out in the witness protection plan, hoping not to be sent back to the heat of her hometown, Birmingham, AL.

Fun night visiting their 40 acres and umpteen cats & dogs (+ newly acquired chickens)… next up MONTANA. Oh, how I loved MT!

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