Pulling over at a 'scenic view' only minutes from our house


Most of you have already read the previous blog post: “Lance & Mary, Marry”. I wrote it the night of ‘our wedding’.

I wanted to elaborate a little more on the whole getting married thing. Some friends and family expressed hurt that they had no clue… well people-> MARY had no clue. No one did, ‘cept maybe, just maybe, Lance. His brother, Kirk, who’s been living with us since June, wasn’t even in on it. While at the courthouse, Kirk tagged along with us to the property tax office, the DMV then we ducked into the Courthouse Records/Marriage Licenses…still no clue. I finally had to tell someone before I’d burst, so I told him we’re going to see what’s involved here with getting a marriage license. He was happy for us, but wondered how long this would put off lunchtime ;-).  

I THINK, I was actually OK with not being married. At least that’s what I told myself (and family and friends). Deep down, what girl that is head over heels in love with her mate, doesn’t dream of some day being his wife? It was truly a surprise to me on that typical, average, nothing out of the ordinary, Thursday. Many of you have had or plan to have your storybook wedding. For me, NOT having to plan, ponder, organize a day to be wed was sheer heaven!

In this modern age of cell phones and internet, after the ‘ceremony’ I texted my kids, not wanting them to hear from anyone else. Charlie was busy driving his girlfriend to her new home in Colorado and Kristie was working at the Bridal Shop. Both expressed surprise and happiness… then I informed a few more important people via text. After that, any and everyone that logged on to Facebook that evening found out. When I finally figured out how to change my relationship status to MARRIED, then the world knew. I’m not sure my Dad knows, but he expects such things from his whimsical daughter. I believe his 2nd marriage was a bit of a surprise to us all, too.

My daughter got SO MUCH great stuff for her wedding, I was not envious in the least. In fact, I feel bad for her, trying to find a place for all their newly acquired treasures. We have such a tiny house, we don’t even have room for our old treasures, much less any new ones. But as I told a friend earlier today, even though I’ve had SO MANY nice houses, this little cozy cabin holds the most contentment for me. It’s paid for, it’s a perfect size for the 2 of us, we have a view and plans to make it superduper comfie!

SO, since you didn’t get to make it to the wedding, or have to attend a shower, do me a favor and buy yourself something fun and think of me when you use it! No one wants to be forgotten. Post a pic on FB and let me know whatcha bought 😀

My parting advice for you all (today): those of you that are blessed with a companion to share your days and nights with, don’t take them for granted. Re-remember what it is you fell in love with and let your actions speak louder than words! Those of you ‘still looking’, remember there is no perfect mate… YOU’RE not perfect, someone has to put up with your wacky ways as well.

Lighten up and let the universe be your guide. God doesn’t need a co-pilot.
Maybe your adventure will take you some place exotic, like Sylacauga Alabama or Saint Maries, Idaho, ya don’t know, till ya let go…

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