
The Baked Potato For Breakfast

It was bound to happen. We live in Idaho, we love our baked potatoes… There were many hot coals in the wood burning stove this morn.

Lance suggested we take advantage of the heat and bake some potatoes. In less than 35 minutes we had a tasty treat, hot and ready to eat! So what if it was only 9:30 am. Why should we wait? People have hashed-browns for breakfast often. McDonald’s pairs them with all their morning meals.

My idea of heaven is a great big baked potato and someone to share it with. 


This is all you need to create your own potato in paradise. Wash tater, rub with olive oil, season with salt, pepper, and season-all. Wrap in foil (reuse foil for extra frugal points!). Toss in wood burning stove for 34 minutes, rotate after 17. What? No wood burning stove? Oh, you poor deprived city slicker ;-).

Our favorite topping by far is cottage cheese and bacos. It sounds a bit odd, but it’s quite tasty! Not to mention, much healthier than butter and/or sour cream. Today we find ourselves out of most dairy products, so we heaped on some baked beans. Yum. In the past we’ve used Greek yogurt, broccoli and cheese, caramelized onions and even chili. All quite tasty (and not to mention CHEAP).

This got me thinking, who made up the rules for what we should have for each meal? I love eggs and sausage for dinner. I’d rather have pancakes for lunch than breakfast and who hasn’t craved leftover pizza for breakfast? I’m glad I’m all growed up and can eat what I want, when I want. It’s a good thing I like to hike, or else Lance would need to grow longer arms to hug me.

This quote is all too perfect (trust me, finding decent quotes about potatoes is not so easy).

A diet that consists predominantly of rice leads to the use of opium, just as a diet that consists predominantly of potatoes leads to the use of liquor.

Friedrich Nietzsche

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