
The Foundation From Hell

Building a solid foundation is mentioned often in the Bible. That being said, we have a foundation from hell under our house.

Everything from rotted wood, bug eaten tree stumps and a few concrete blocks. When we arrived at our new cabin in the woods last August, we knew right away the foundation was a BIG concern. It wasn’t until the skirting was taken off this week that we saw just how bad it all really was under there.

Permit me a tiny bit of history on the subject of our house purchase. We bought the property a year ago, sight unseen. Being anxious to relocate to Idaho before the snows came, I sent out 20 emails to Realtors inquiring about properties. I got ONE reply. Thankfully he (Chris) and Lance hit it off. After a few phone calls and very little research on our part, we decided to buy a ‘flip this house’, enabling us to get up to ID. We have only one regret, that we didn’t get the house inspected. Lance has bought, worked on and sold so many properties, he scoffs at hiring an inspector. Well, what we failed to compute was, Lance wasn’t up here to inspect THIS dwelling. If he had, we probably wouldn’t have bought this place (or offered 30k less!). God has a plan, and thankfully Mary has a VERY handy hubby.

My job yesterday was to dig the gravel and rock away from 1/4 of the foundation. Have any of you ever shoveled gravel and rock?  Oiy, my aching everything… Lance is such a good foreman, he doesn’t try to micromanage, hurry or discourage me. In fact, he’d compliment my work every hour or so… knowing that was just what I needed to keep going. I’m such a teacher’s pet that way. As I was pulling out rotted wood and garbage from under the house, I hollered over to Lance, “Hey, what if they buried a bag of gold under here. We could use part of it to call the foundation guy to finish the job.”  Of course Lance would have no such scenario. Finding the gold would be a blessing, but having begun the job, Lance has no intention of handing over this major task to anyone else. He’s weird like that, enjoying a challenge of something new and having the job finished like he wants it.

Merle digging out dirt
Mike, consulting from afar

We’ve got a super sweet neighbor (Merle) helping us. We’ve also got several amateur foreman stopping by to give their 2 cents worth of advice. While the whole foundation fiasco has been a thorn in our side, my husband chose to dive in and tackle the task. Monday, as we were heading to the building supply store in town, we took a mini detour to see a couple bank-owned properties in the ‘hood. If we could get one of them cheap enough, Lance would tackle another ‘flip’. They say idle hands are the devil’s workshop. The devil doesn’t have a moment’s opportunity to creep into Lance’s plans, not unless Satan works after midnight. And, we will have a heavenly foundation sooner, than later.

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