The Good. The Bad. The Unexpected.

It’s been awhile since my last blog… this reminds me of confession when I was a Catholic.. Forgive me bloggers for I have LIVED!

Lived and not sat at the computer much. I inherited Lance’s ‘old’ iPad, and haven’t figured out how to add photos, so I guess I’ll just have to be very descriptive.  

Lets start with The Good; the weather is spectacular. I know come winter, I’ll be singing a different tune, but ever since we got here it has been picture perfect. Sunny, zero humidity, cool at night. We eat on the deck every meal (never mind that there is no place to sit inside). I have gotten a great tan cause it just doesn’t feel too hot. Being done moving across country, that’s good. Not having to rush out and find a job, that’s actually wonderful. Getting so much exercise working on the house and walking to get the mail or a cell signal. So much good.

The Bad, I miss being just a few miles from my kids. Typically the kids move away from the parent, this parent is such a rebel though. Another negative, the communication barrior. We’ve got Hughesnet, but it’s slow and we can’t download a fraction of what we’re use to. Heck, if I have to call 911, I wonder if I can email them, cause none of our phones have a signal, unless we go to the top of the street. Another dreadful thing is the gravel road, 6.9 miles of it. Dust, dirt, grime. I thought I had a great tan, but it washes off every night in the shower. Something we’ll get use to, I reckon.

Now, what you’ve all been waiting for, The Unexpected. We absolutely love our dinky little cabin and big arse pole barn so much so that we may not move again. That has shocked us both, that we’d be willing to give up the dream of owning acres, a creek, in the middle of NoWhere, Idaho. In this little community we’ve got gorgeous views everywhere, a beautiful lake and down to earth neighbors (the neighbors get their own entire blog post, later). Maybe we’re delusional from the elevation, but we’re pretty darned content on Catbird Drive. There are other unexpected things, like how I LOVE BEER now. Maybe it’s the work I’m doing, or no humidity. Beer just tastes so good (all except Busch Light, yuk). I need to keep hiking so I don’t get a beer gut. Also, another unexpected perk, our power bill for a month was $33.46. We don’t have air conditioning and it’s been in the 90s, we don’t seem to suffer (much).

Life is dandy, out here in northern Idaho. It is some of the prettiest country I have ever been to. We haven’t gone exploring yet, unless you call finding the DMV and the Wal Mart an expedition. Our days and nights are pretty simple and I couldn’t be happier. Well, I could be happier if some of my favorites were to move here, too. Charlie would love the environment, Kristie & Krista- the lack of humidity, Becky-the views, Marie & Cherie- the serenity, Guido- the porch-time with the Knoechel men, Rockey- the hunting and fishing. Tina would love hiding out here, many do, so they tell us.

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