Make it simple, but significant

The Simple Life

I googled that phrase (of course) and came up with that gawd awful TV show a few years back with Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie. That show was just wrong on so many levels. They give ‘simple’ a bad name ;-).

The magazine named, ‘REALSIMPLE‘, is 1/2 way decent. But if you ask me, some of their recipes are NOT so simple. A ‘simple’ recipe should have no more than 5 ingredients and dirty no more than 1 pan and 1 bowl. That’s if you ask me, but no one has.  

Our life in Idaho would be a muuuch better show (if you ask me). Maybe as a documentary on how 2 formerly ‘connected’ folks move away from everything and GO TO IDAHO. We’re insanely in love with this place, each other, our simple life. Yeah, we need jobs (or an income). We’re getting old, body parts hurt. Our current internet sux, we’re 45 minutes from civilization. The government is still the government but…

The things we love here are, simple. Every time I look out a window, I see a different display in the sky. I could watch The Sky Show for hours (I suspect when added up in a week, I do).

Maybe it’s because I haven’t lived in a snowy climate since my youth in Iowa, but I find such beauty and amusement in things like these turkey tracks.

Which way did they go?
Where the cell service rocks!
How many of you can take a walk everyday that takes your breath away (literally and figuratively!)
Welding Day
The people we’ve met are simple, no games, no pretenses and so helpful.

Who needs to fork out $ for a gym? not us cheapskates! My dad never understood why people drove somewhere to run, it seemed like such a waste of gas and time. Run where you are. We get plenty of purposeful exercise; cutting, stacking, clearing wood (seems never ending).

Our mailbox is a mile away, some days I make 2 trips (to get something in the outgoing mail). If I want an extra work out, I do this stair master. I joke that I will tell my grandkids I use to walk a mile up hill in the snow, both ways!

When I stop to review our life here, sometimes it doesn’t seem so simple. The ‘Off Grid Living’ is anything BUT simple. I’ve asked Lance not to die until it’s fully operational, and then wait another 46 years to make sure I know what’s what.

This lifestyle isn’t for everyone, my daughter would hate it (she needs her Starbucks and her cable tv). My son would love it, nature galore, just outside your door. They both love the cold tho (maybe it’s cause they’ve only ever lived in the south). Our friends Guido and Krista really need to retreat here (especially since Guido planted the potato state into our thought process). Rockey and Janice could get lost here…how ’bout YOU, do you ever wish you could get away from it all? The drive from you to us is absolutely gorgeous, once you cross over into northern Idaho, you will utter an audible gasp, for certain! But don’t take my word for it!

I leave you with this quote that exemplifies my daily amusement!

To poke a wood fire is more solid enjoyment than almost anything else in the world.

Charles Dudley Warner

I have a whole ‘nother blog brewing about some cheaptricks I’d like to share.

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