View from the top of our street

We Made It!

Yessiree bob, we made it 2300+ miles, cross country, to a foreign state called IDAHO. I’m thinking- Barry Manilow, “Looks Like We Made It”, but I’ll spare you, as tempting as it is to link you to that song!

At the wise advice of one who went before us, we resisted the urge to pull our truck, trailer, selves, in after dark. That meant we had to hole up in a hole in the wall in Kellogg, ID. Turns out it’s a quaint ski resort, but in the summertime, it’s just a hole in the wall. Plenty of parking, plenty of rooms. It actually made me appreciate our dinky little cabin. I guess you could say I’m spoiled when it comes to houses, hotels, bathrooms. Maybe this trip and cabin will bring me down a notch. I am thankful to have a roof over my head and running water!! Ah, I get ahead of myself here…

We pulled into Idaho with little or no fan fair. It was getting dark, there was no place to pull off at the ‘Welcome to Idaho’ sign, so we eased on it… WOW, it was quite an entrance. As beautiful as Montana was (and WY and SD and western IA). Idaho was everything and then some. There were heavily treed mountains, water, views, the whole 9 yards. Why do we not hear more about Idaho?? Because the natives are SMART! They don’t want a bunch of tourists or transplants coming into their state to gunk it up ;-). Maybe we’ll just have to keep it all on the down-low. Promise the natives that we’ll only allow super-chic peeps to visit/move here.

We had about an hour drive (or less) that Tuesday morning. A good night’s sleep and alot of anticipation to see the house we bought, without first previewing. We are also quite blessed to have been able to send Lance’s brother on ahead of us to spruce it up a tad. Kirk got to live amongst the abandonedness of this cabin and put a bit of hominess into it before we got here. He’s already met the closest neighbors, Merle & Mountainman Mike (both deserving of their own blog posts).

We live 6.9 miles down a well maintained gravel road. They don’t spoil/pamper their residents in this neighborhood. There are drop-offs into Black Lake on many turns of the road. I am quite thankful we didn’t try to navigate this after dark. It was even prettier than I had expected (and more remote, too).

Our new ‘hood.

Please excuse the streak down the middle of some of the photos, our truck windows needed a washing. Sucha pretty place, sucha a relief to BE here.

Our front (back?) door
Who’s that man in the flannel jammie pants? Why, it’s our caretaker, Kirk (who happens to have the same last name as my beaufriend).

SO good to be here! I love hiking up to the top of our street to capture the breath taking views.

Stay tuned for the good, the bad and the fugly.

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