You Might Be a Backwoods Dweller If…

The South has it’s rednecks, the Appalachian’s their hillbillies. In less than 6 months, there have been many changes in our lives.

Yep, you just might be a backwoods dweller if;  

  • Carhartt is your new favorite clothing designer
  • ‘Dressing Up’ involves jeans and no ball cap
  • You smell the shirt you wore yesterday to see if it can be worn again, today
  • You trade in your Blackberry & iPhone for a walkie talkie (better reception)
  • Shopping involves twice a month trips into town (unless we get a cow)
  • Newspapers are useful once again, they make excellent fire-starters
  • You shoot, pluck, gut, grill a turkey; all on the same deck
  • Finding a handful of birch bark is deemed a treasure
  • Little House On The Prairie offers more useful information than any current bestseller
  • The wheels of your vehicle have not rolled one inch in 10 days
  • Fire provides hours of enjoyment: in the woodburning stove, a pile of brush, a burn barrel
  • You take your garbage into town
  • The outcome of the superbowl is still a mystery, one you have no desire to solve

Yep. Sure didn’t take us long…

The reward for conformity was that everyone liked you except yourself. 

Rita Mae Brown

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